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About the Course

Isla de Providencia, a tiny island in the Western Caribbean has been seized by invaders. You are an intelligence officer tasked with discovering why this tiny island was singled out for capture. You discover that hidden on the island is a treasure of great value and the invaders want to steal it.

Based on natural learning principles, Spanish is taught using an adventure story that will take the learner into the cities, culture, countryside, and history of Spain and Latin America to help solve a mystery and find an island treasure! Your child will learn reading, writing, comprehension, pronunciation, culture and conversation skills while working through the adventure. Students participate in a variety of activities, all aimed at making natural learning possible. children who complete this course can expect to understand a broad range of language, including greetings, numbers, body parts, questions, common phrases, colors, directions and much more. They should be able to construct sentences, sing songs and create stories of their own in their new language.

Required Text: Power-Glide Spanish Junior 1 Preview here (This is an older version, but not much has changed)

Junior Spanish

Junior Spanish

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


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