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Cullman Homeschool Activities & Resource Group
Home School Does Not Mean Alone School


Please read through the Field Trip Etiquette below and plan to spend a little time going over the information with your children before each outing.  Homeschool happiness is a fun, engaging field trip; home school misery is a field trip gone wrong due to bad behavior on the part of a parent or child.


CHARGe was formed so that we could create memorable, educational experiences for our own kids and share them with you. Sadly, there are places that will not work with homeschoolers because they have had bad experiences with them and no amount of begging will change their minds. Please remember that our behavior reflects on the homeschooling community as a whole. You never get a second chance to make a first impression and first impressions are lasting. We all love field trips and we want the hosts of our trips to view homeschoolers in a positive light, look forward to our visits and always invite us back. 



Parents, thank you for representing homeschooling professionally. Do not talk among yourselves during the tour or let your children talk out of turn. It is very distracting, and disrespectful to the presenter. Teach your children to show respect for the presenter by listening carefully yourself.


If you sign up for a trip, respect the planner/host and actually show up. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, funds paid by no-shows may possibly be retained (planner has discretion). Hosts prepare for our field trips based on the number of people we report will be attending which often entails bringing in extra personnel or meeting quotas to receive a group discount. When people do not show up, it reflects poorly on the homeschool community as a whole. You may not be bound to a curriculum or group but common courtesy dictates respect.



Listen to the rules of the location and follow them precisely. Make sure your children are following the rules.


Use the buddy system (nobody should venture anywhere alone).


Students should stay with the group or parent (parents—please pay attention to your children).


Touch what you have permission to touch.


Go where you have permission to go.


Stay quiet when an adult/the guide is talking (parents, this includes YOU).


Participants should raise their hands to ask a question or speak.


No candy or gum. Food/snacks only in designated areas.


If your child becomes disruptive please remove him and attend to his needs, you may arrange a buddy system with another mom so that your older child does not miss out.


Thank the guide or host (a note is nice!). We will usually bring a card or poster for families to sign prior to the tour.


We don't have a dress code (unless host requires), but parents please ensure your kiddos are neat, clean and dressed in appropriate clothing.


We love pictures and take a lot of them. Some pictures may appear on our Facebook page. We respect your privacy, so if you do not want your child on the Facebook page please let us know.


All families take full responsibility for their children and attend events "at your own risk". CHARGe is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, or loss of personal property at any events.




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