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Thank you for visiting Alabama Homeschool Connection.

The homeschool journey can be challenging, but you don't have to travel it alone. Alabama Homeschool Connection is about coming together and joining forces with like-minded individuals who will support you, cheer you on, help you celebrate your wins, and lift you when you feel like you are struggling. 

The Connection is perfect for free-range homeschool families who may not have time to be part of a formal co-op but would instead pick and choose activities or create an activity to share with others. We offer community classes, field trips, social events as well as prom and graduation. Chances are you will find your niche here.  

We are headquartered in Cullman, Alabama, where we have a Co-op School.   We physically serve the Tennessee Valley and Central Alabama Areas but list resources all over the state. 

Discover Our Coop

Alabama STEAM Academy

We believe in a traditional Christian education, seeking truth, goodness, and beauty in a restful communal environment.

If you are looking for a co-op that meets regularly and provides its own social activities and field trips, start here.  Homeschool does not mean alone school.


You do not have to be an expert in every subject to home-school your children.  Successful homeschooling is rarely accomplished in a vacuum. The key is collaboration. So you're terrible at math but an accomplished writer; chances are someone in this group is terrible at writing but a math expert. Alabama STEAM Academy promotes collaborative learning—parents helping parents by capitalizing on our collective skills.

While you find support, your kids will find a sense of community, belonging, and school spirit, such as pizza lunch with friends, spirit days like crazy hat day, field trips, and holiday parties.  Your kids won't miss out on milestone moments or lifelong friends. We give kids a place to create lasting memories and capture them in our yearbook.  We also provide prom, graduation, and other events throughout the year at a discounted rate or even free to our co-op members.

 "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life"
― Charlotte Mason


Community Events, Classes & Field Trips

If you are looking for free-range social activities, homeschool support, field trips, and class opportunities without being a member of Alabama STEAM Academy, check out the community events. Subscribe below to our newsletter to stay up to date.

Site Membership 

Connect with other homeschool families! Although our family profile pages are not new, we would like to use this feature as a self-contained secure homeschool community where you can find friends, like and follow each other, share ideas, curriculum, events, and playdates, or even access a homeschool family-owned business directory and marketplace. Becoming a site member will give access to all of the above along with newsletters and emails with upcoming community events, classes, and field trip information.





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